How to Install and Configure Monit on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

How to Install and Configure Monit on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

How to Install and Configure Monit on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Introduction to Monit

Monit is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for monitoring and managing Unix-like systems. It is designed to monitor processes, files, directories, and devices, and can take corrective actions if necessary. Monit is particularly useful for managing and monitoring servers, ensuring that they run smoothly and efficiently.

Monit is open-source software and is available for free on most Unix-like systems. It can be used to monitor a wide range of system resources, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network connectivity. Monit can also send alerts or notifications when thresholds are exceeded or when a process fails.

Monit is highly configurable and can be customized to suit your specific needs. It can be used to start, stop, and restart processes automatically, and can also be used to perform custom actions when certain events occur. Monit can also be used to manage multiple servers, allowing you to monitor and manage a large number of servers from a single dashboard.

Overall, Monit is a versatile and powerful tool for managing and monitoring Unix-like systems. Whether you’re managing a single server or a large cluster of servers, Monit can help you ensure that your systems are running smoothly and efficiently.

Install and configure Monit


  • Deploy a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server that is completely updated.
  • Make a non-root user with sudo permissions.

Monit Setup and Configuration

Install Monit

$ apt install monit –y

Allow the Monit service to start automatically when the system boots up.

$ systemctl enable monit

Monitor Monit’s progress.

$ systemctl status monit

Edit the default configuration file /etc/monit/monitrc to enable the Monit web interface.

$ vim /etc/monit/monitrc

Look for the lines below.

# set httpd port 2812 and

# allow admin:monit

Remove the comments and replace the admin password with your own. The record ought to be saved and shut.

set httpd port 2812 and

allow admin:StrongPassword

Check for mistakes in the configuration file.

$ monit –t

To make the modifications take effect, restart the Monit service.

$ systemctl restart monit

In the firewall, enable the Monit port service.

$ ufw allow 2812

Go to http://serverIP:2812 in your web browser to access the Monit web interface. Consider the following scenario:

You’ll be asked to sign in. Use the username admin and the password StrongPassword. Replace password with the value you specified during configuration.

Monitor Services

Monit continuously monitors all services in your systems that have monitoring enabled and restarts those that cease. To enable service monitoring, first install the service, then create a symbolic link to /etc/monit/conf-enabled/ with all accessible service configurations. Using nginx as an example:

$ ln -s /etc/monit/conf-available/nginx /etc/monit/conf-enabled/

To make the modifications take effect, restart the Monit service.

$ systemctl restart monit

Examine the status of any newly added services.

$ sudo monit summary


Monit is a powerful and versatile tool for monitoring and managing Unix-like systems. Its ability to monitor a wide range of system resources, automate corrective actions, and send alerts or notifications makes it an essential tool for system administrators who want to ensure the smooth and efficient running of their servers.

With Monit, you can easily customize and configure the monitoring and management of your servers to meet your specific needs. You can also use it to manage multiple servers, which can save you time and effort in monitoring and managing your infrastructure.

Overall, Monit is an excellent open-source tool that can help you optimize the performance and reliability of your servers while reducing the risk of downtime and data loss. If you’re a system administrator, Monit is definitely a tool that you should consider adding to your toolkit.

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