Open Source Listing

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Remote Work Security

Remote Work Security

Remote Work Security The Covid pandemic has compelled companies all around the world to embrace a work-from-home culture. While there are many advantages to this change in work dynamics, it has also highlighted security issues related to remote work. Why Is Remote Work Security Important & What Does It Entail? When employees work remotely, firm…

How to use vnStat to monitor network traffic in Ubuntu 20.04

How to use vnStat to monitor network traffic in Ubuntu 20.04

How to use vnStat to monitor network traffic in Ubuntu 20.04 Data is gathered and traffic on network interfaces is tracked by vnStat. So, with its assistance, we may learn the statistics of bandwidth utilization during a specific time period. Installation of vnStat The official Ubuntu 20.04 repositories contain vnStat. This lesson contains the most…

What is Blockchain Technology? How Does Blockchain Operation Work?

What is Blockchain Technology? How Does Blockchain Operation Work?

What is Blockchain Technology? How Does Blockchain Operation Work? You have likely heard the phrase “blockchain technology” in relation to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin over the past few years. You may even be curious about the definition of blockchain technology. It appears that blockchain is a platitude, but only in the hypothetical sense, as there is…

How to Add a New Disk to Expand the Size of a Linux LVM

How to Add a New Disk to Expand the Size of a Linux LVM

How to Add a New Disk to Expand the Size of a Linux LVM The main benefit of LVM over conventional disc partitions is its ability for “dynamic partitions,” which allow us to construct and resize (expand or shrink) LVM volumes dynamically as needed. This article explains how to add a new disc to LVM….

Learning Programming Languages in 2022

Learning Programming Languages in 2022

Learning Programming Languages in 2022 You’ve arrived at the threshold, about to enter the realm of programming. It is large and full of exciting opportunities. But wait, there’s more: where do you even begin? Which language should you begin with? There are a lot of them; some of them are more popular than others. Which…

Why Python is still the most widely used programming language?

Why Python is still the most widely used programming language?

Why Python is still the most widely used programming language? A collection of instructions is required by a computer to process and perform various operations, just as it is required by a set of instructions to teach procedures for doing various jobs. These commands are nothing more than programming languages. Programming languages help computers understand…

Ideas for Open Source Projects

Ideas for Open Source Projects

Ideas for Open Source Projects For programmers who wish to learn and practice in open-source projects, open-source gives an enormous opportunity; they can also contribute to many open-source projects and improve their talents. Google open-source offers a wide range of environments in which they can test and deploy their applications. AdaNet AutoML is flexible and…

How To Setup SSH Keys

How To Setup SSH Keys

How To Setup SSH Keys By far the most secure method of logging into your cloud server via SSH is to use SSH keys. If passwords are too simple, brute-force attacks can eventually crack them. Complicated passwords are difficult to remember, and writing them down negates the purpose of a password. Using a brute force…

How to Monitor CentOS 7 Server with Prometheus

How to Monitor CentOS 7 Server with Prometheus

How to Monitor CentOS 7 Server with Prometheus Introduction SoundCloud created Prometheus, an open source monitoring system. Prometheus, like other monitoring systems like InfluxDB and Graphite, keeps all of its data in a time series database. It does, however, come with a multi-dimensional data model and a strong query language, which allows system administrators to…

Ideas for Python Open Source Projects in 2022

Ideas for Python Open Source Projects in 2022

Ideas for Python Open Source Projects in 2022 Python is one of the most widely used programming languages on the planet, and there are a variety of reasons behind this. One of the reasons for this is the abundance of open-source projects and libraries for this language. There’s a Python project for almost anything, from…