Top 10 Free SEO Tools for Site Audits

Top 10 Free SEO Tools for Site Audits

Do you want to improve your SEO skills? Here’s a comprehensive collection of free SEO site audit tools that can assist you in identifying issues and improving your rankings.

Analyzing data, conducting research, validating code, and performing other SEO site audit tests on a large scale necessitates the use of technology. The good news is that you won’t have to break the bank to use these tools.

On a smaller scale, publishers and SEOs have access to a plethora of completely competent and free SEO tools. Many of these free programs offer the same features and data sources as the expensive ones.

SEO Tools for Site Audits

That means that when your needs outgrow the free version, you can easily upgrade to the paid versions to continue your successful path.

In the meanwhile, get started with this list of free site auditing tools.

1. Ahrefs Free Keyword Tools

Ahrefs provides a plethora of free SEO tools that are well worth investigating on their own. Its Free Keyword Research Tool is one of the products that sticks out.
It also has a number of keyword tools, including 100 top keywords with associated keyword volume and search results from Amazon, YouTube, Bing, and Google.

Ahrefs has this to say about the information’s sources:

“All of our free products share the same database as our premium tools.” Google Keyword Planner, Clickstream, and data collaborations are the obvious suspects.”

The program is a valuable resource for creating article writing subjects, regardless of where the data originates from.

2. SEO Ngram Tool

While we can’t say whether the chicken or the egg came first, we do know that effective content begins with a grasp of the keywords people use and why they use them.
The free keyword tools listed below will assist publishers in reaching the top of search results.

The SEO Ngram Tool, developed by Ryan Jones, Vice President of SEO at Razorfish, is a handy free SEO tool that has recently been upgraded for 2022.

His SEO Ngram Tool can assist you better comprehend the most prevalent term combinations utilized in searches.

The tool also creates a search term relationship map, which groups the different search words into a visual map that illustrates the base keyword terms (main connections) and associated search terms.
An animation of the major keyword in the center is shown below.

The primary connections, which are versions of the main keywords, circle the main keywords.

The keyword phrases that are related to the second-level keyword phrases are connected to the major connections.

The data can be downloaded as a CSV spreadsheet, which displays frequently grouped word combinations.

3. Netpeak Spider

Netpeak Spider is a free crawling program that can crawl up to 100,000 URLs.
The tool examines over 100 technical website issues and provides information on over 80 SEO-related concerns.
Other competitor research-related features are also available.
Overall, the Netpeak Spider’s free version is a good complement to Screaming Frog’s free version because they both have distinct capabilities and display data in different ways.

4. Siteliner

CopyScape offers a free duplicate content scanner called Siteliner (an anti-plagiarism service).

The capacity of Siteliner to find pages on a website that have similar content is its most powerful feature. This makes it simple to identify areas where material should be improved.

It’s great if each article contains content that is unique to it.

Articles that share content can create a situation where Google has to select which page is more relevant and make one canonical, depending on how similar the content is.
Getting rid of redundant paragraphs across articles will help web pages stand out.

The scanner can only scan up to 250 pages. Nonetheless, it’s helpful to be aware of a potential issue with thin pages.

5. Screaming Frog (Under 500 URLs)

Screaming Frog, the industry-leading site auditing software, has a free version that is ideal for auditing tiny sites with less than 500 URLs.

It’s an effective approach to crawl a website and find out if there are any issues.
Screaming Frog gives information about your outbound links, internal links, images, response codes from various pages, title tags, meta description tags, headings, images, and pretty much everything else about a site that a publisher would want to check for site health and errors.

Screaming Frog allows you to simulate Googlebot, Bing, Chrome, and any other user agent you choose to see how your site responds, giving you a true understanding of how search engines and people interact with your site.

6. MobileMoxie

MobileMoxie offers a set of mobile SEO tools that are completely functioning.
The SERP checker on MobileMoxie displays you how the rankings appear on a variety of mobile phone screens.
Its ability to localize to any city in the world makes this tool particularly useful.
As a result, you can see how mobile rankings differ in different cities throughout the world. This is ideal for local SEO or client work where you are not based in the same city as the customer.
A MobileMoxie Web Page Checker can also show you how your website appears on practically any mobile phone. This will assist you in optimizing your website so that it converts optimally on a variety of mobile devices.

Website Security Audit Tools are available for free

Many SEOs overlook security when conducting an audit.
After a site has been hacked and its rankings have plummeted, security becomes a problem.
Website security, in my opinion, should be part of any SEO assessment.
A safe website plays a big role in how well it ranks and how many sales it generates. That’s why every site audit I conduct includes a complete security audit.

7. WordPress Vulnerability Scanner for Free

This free vulnerability scanner scans for potential vulnerabilities quickly but thoroughly.
Make the report, then look into whether your website has any flaws that need to be addressed. can help you get started with a security audit.

8. HTTPS Validator Tool (Security Checker by SSL Labs)

Your HTTPS certificate implementation will be checked for misconfigurations and security flaws using the SSL Labs Security tool.

It’s often said that adding a server security certificate is simple, however this isn’t always the case. This helpful tool will assist you in identifying issues that aren’t readily apparent.

9. GTmetrix

Another program that will generate multiple benchmark scores is GTmetrix Speed and Performance Audit. Use these scores to figure out how to make your site better.

10. GZip Compression Checker (The compression of files)

The GZip Compression tool determines whether or not your site uses GZip compression. Compression allows your server to quickly download your web pages.

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